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Creative Shop Talk with Wendy Batten

Sep 21, 2020

“Sorry I no longer do custom work.”

It’s totally okay to make changes in your retail business. (Especially now with coronavirus allowing us to press the easy "Change It Up" button)

The cliche advice is to “Marie Kondo” areas of your life. It’s a spot-on verb. Even in your retail business you don’t have to keep doing the things that don’t light you up, that don’t make you profits and don’t give you joy.

For me custom work was the first thing I let go. Once I moved on, I was able to focus on my area of joy and genius: in-person workshops. 

And guess what? My retail biz became even more profitable.

Today I’m encouraging you to make your own STOP DOING LIST.

I have tips and strategies to help you decide what goes on that list.  

You’re going to find it soooo freeing. 

You’re going to let go of the stress and resentment from the things you don't love doing.

You’re also going to push the fears aside and see what happens when you do get to choose how you get to make your profits. Yes, my friend, YOU GET TO CHOOSE!

After you listen, pop over to my Rockstar Creatives FB community and add your #1 Stop Doing “THING” to the thread. I can’t wait to see what you are letting go!

Let’s Continue the Conversation

Rockstar Creative Shop Owners Community:


Let’s Connect: 

Subscribe to Creative Shop Talk

Here’s what to do next, subscribe to Creative Shop Talk and then head over to our private Facebook community to meet other creative retailers.  

I could really use your help getting my new podcast going and helping retailers find the show. Would you please leave me a review?  Just visit ‎Creative Shop Talk with Wendy Batten on Apple Podcasts, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”. I may pick your review to highlight on an upcoming episode. Make sure you leave your business name, Instagram handle and location so I can give your shop a shoutout. 

Need more retailer specific advice & encouragement? Hop on my email list and I’ll keep it coming:

XO Wendy